To view previews of unpublished Facebook ads we use the advanced preview tool, which will show us how our ads look for each different placement. Once published we are given additional preview options to view how the ads will appear in-feed.
However, sometimes the previews look totally incorrect. Instead of your Primary Text, Headline and Description, you’re seeing {{}} or {{product.description}}.
This will no-doubt be confusing, you didn’t create a product ad and you’ve triple-checked that the setup is correct.
Do not panic. Do not delete your campaigns and start over. This is all Meta, not you. We can confirm, only YOU see this error, not your target audience.
Why is this happening?
It’s a bug that has been reported across reddit feeds and forums for years but something that we’ve seen increase recently. We’ve traced it back to Facebook pages that have adopted the “New Page Experience”.
What can we do about it?
Report. Report. Report. Meta needs to know about these bugs in order to fix them. The more they are notified of the issue the higher a priority a fix will become. Take a screenshot, send the details to Facebook Ad Support and do your part in improving things for everyone.
Need a Facebook Ninja?
The Ninjas are ready and waiting to help you with your Facebook Ads questions and challenges – just hit the button to send out a distress flare, we’ll get in touch to conduct a no obligation review and provide a quote.