
Google Ad Grant Training

Google Ad Grant training courses to help you and your team maximise your return from the Ad Grant. Whether you're looking to raise funds, increase awareness of the issues or generate leads/sign-ups we'll help you tap into the power that Google's free $10k of ad spend can bring to your organisation.

Hui-An Taiwan Fact Check
“Digital Ninjas training was just what we needed to leap-frog our internal knowledge of the Google Ad Grant”

If you’re looking to keep management of your Google Ad Grant in-house then help your team master their Ad Grant knowledge by signing them up for a Digital Ninjas training course.

Whilst the user interface for the Google Ad Grant is exactly the same as that used to manage a Google paid Ads account it’s the framework and approaches to optimising that are quite different. We’ll help you to master the art of optimising your account in-house.

What our training covers:

  • Google Ads basics – we’ll cover some of the fundamentals of how to use Google Ads, although we strongly recommend that you undertake Google’s free fundamentals course before taking our Ad Grant specific training, it’ll give you a solid bedrock on which to build.
  • Laying the foundations – what do you need to measure and why is this important? We’ll focus on Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for this part of the course.
  • Where to start – you’ve got your Ad Grant account approved but it’s empty, or is has some keywords/campaigns/ad groups but they aren’t doing much. We’ll get you started with how to prioritise and conduct your keyword research.
  • Templating and building out campaigns – here we’ll cover some handy tips (and give you access to some time-saving templates) to make campaign production and review/sign-off processes a breeze.
  • Optimising for growth – this will be our major focus, once you’re live, what do you do? You need to invest continual time in maintaining and optimising your campaigns to ensure your cause is receiving relevant traffic at volume.

Train me up on Google Ad Grants

I’m ready to get started with Google Ad Grant training, tell me more about the packages that you offer.

    Jon Dawson, CEO of Digital Ninjas
    Jonathan will get back to you soon

    Not ready to take on the Ad Grant alone? Check out our fully-managed Ad Grant setup and optimisation services here.

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